Sunday, August 1, 2010

What a weekend!!!

Well, the weekend has been great! We had our home study on Saturday and it was good. I really do believe that we have the social worker God wants for us. After 4 hours of talking together and apart, I think she really gets us. It was funny hearing her talk to Gracie about how the baby won't be in Mommy's tummy. Gracie loves to talk about that...and the conversation ended with me explaining that Gracie won't be tiny again and go back into my tummy. She thinks we can go backward! All in all, I think that the whole experience was a blessing. She had a lot of information for us and we spilled all of our info on her. She appreciated our honesty and we felt comfortable. It was the best case scenario. She approved us for up to two children, male or female, up to 3 years of age. I know that is vague, but hearing those words made me feel so much closer to our child. And yes, it is child...not children. We are planning on getting 1, but wanted to put up to 2 just in case God has a different plan that involves siblings.
We also have a great evening ahead for tonight. Our church is celebrating baptism and fellowship with a comedian and following that with baptism and family fun time. The FBC McKinney adoption ministry will be there to give members and guests information about this somewhat new ministry and show how any and everyone can be involved. I'm so excited about this - I truly believe that God has BIG PLANS for it. So many lives and orphans can be impacted by the ministry and I love what God is doing with it. Please check out for more info.
As far as what is next for us...I 600 A and we come!!! The garage sale is September 18th and we have some great donations already. We hope to raise around 1000.00 in the next few weeks so we can get our I 600 A sent off. This usually takes a couple months to complete. Please pray!
I figured I would leave you with this pic of Gracie. She's so excited and talks about her baby brother or sister all the time. Also, with the pic of my purse...I got to work and looked in there. The contents have changed so much since I became a Mom. I'm hoping that 2 kids doesn't mean twice the junk. I don't think my shoulder can handle the pressure of 4 clidesdale God Bless!

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