Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Big Update!!!

Most of us know what love looks like.  You see it, and you just feel it.  It is so clearly evident, that there is just no doubt that love fills every heart involved.  After all, LOVE CONQUERS ALL.  These are just a few of the little things, day to day, that make my heart sing love songs:

1.  A smile from Gracie for no reason at all.
2.  Watching Joshua sing to God when he doesn't know I'm watching.
3.  Seeing Gracie dance to her own music.
4.  A look from my Mom that says she understands my heart.
5.  Feeling Josh reach for my hand.
6.  Waking up and knowing that I have another day with my loved ones.

These are all a direct result of the blessings God has given me.  I give Him the glory for everything I have and everything I am able to do.  I try, so very hard, to please Him.  I give him control through out the day...sometimes more than once because I am reminded that HE is in control and I AM NOT.

I have been learning through this amazing, and sometimes challenging life I am living, that God knows what He is doing.  He has a plan.  I can try to figure that plan out...but I never do.  It is always different from what I think it will be.  He does, however, give me peace, discernment, and guidance.  He shows me, ever so quietly, where to go.

Sometimes I get it.  Sometimes I only get it looking back because I was so side tracked - that I missed it.

We have prayed every day, usually several times through out the day, that God's will be done with our adoption journey.  MAY HE LEAD THE WAY.  May we see His clear direction.  We have asked for prayer along the way and gotten so much support.

And that prayer and guidance has brought us to today.  A DAY TO REJOICE IN AND CELEBRATE!!!

Yesterday we heard from a new friend (one who we thank God for and will thank Him for every day) that there was a little boy who needed a family.  Josh and I have been open about whether we get a boy or girl...open about what age...but have both felt lead to a toddler...and both felt lead to a boy.  So, I COULDN'T LET IT PASS ME BY!  I knew the chances were slim, but I inquired.  There was lots of little bits of detail in between but...

THEN I SAW A PICTURE OF O.  We have to refer to him as O because I am not sure of how much information is too much information to share online.  We can't share his photo until we finish the process.  But,  he is 2.  He is beautiful.  He is incredible.  And we think that he could be ours.

Let me say, that God is the only one who knows the ultimate end to our adoption process.  Only God knows how this will go.  This could end differently than we think.  So many twists and turns could happen between now and the day we come home.  And we know that.  We have peace about that.  We have thought (along with our friends and family members) that we shouldn't get too excited.  This could be too good to be true!  But, we have decided instead to rejoice and let the peace of God fill us.  If God has other plans for us - we will follow Him.  With peace along the way.  We want O to be with the family God wants him with...

BUT THIS IS WHERE GOD HAS LEAD US.  This is where our prayer has brought us.  This is where we ended up.  And we are in love with O.

So, where do we go from here?  This wasn't expected!!!

We have to get our paperwork off to CIS asap.  We are in the process of that.  They have to approve us.  Then, we have to start all over in the complicated process of adoption in Uganda.  We have been in contact with the lawyer working with O and she has agreed to work with us.  She says that she is thankful for the fact that O has found a family in us.  I hear that she has a real heart for orphans and we are so blessed to be working with her.  

Somewhere in the middle of that we will need to come across A LOT OF MONEY.  We know that God will provide.  We have to rest in the fact that he wouldn't bring us on a journey that he wouldn't provide for.  Please pray about this.

We will update you every step along the way.  We are currently waiting to hear back from our lawyer with some more information on O.  We have lots of questions and are awaiting the answers.We will share the answers with you as soon as we can. With the time difference and the poor internet access in Uganda...it is not as easy as sending an email here.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR US.  Please pray, specifically, for O's health.  He is malnourished and in need of medical care.  We pray, first and foremost, that he will be safe and healthy and in the care of the person God wants him with until he is in OUR ARMS.

Isaiah 55:12
"You will go out in joy and be lead forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."


I saw this picture on another Africa adoptive Mom's blog...and couldn't help but borrow.  So cute!  I wonder how long it will be for us!


  1. No joke that's a big update! HUGE!

    I know there are rules about sharing his photo online, but can you show it in person?

    I will continue to pray for y'all, my friend.

  2. This is amazing news! We are driving home tonight and can't wait to get together to hear more about O. No matter how protected we want to be, when you love like Jesus it's wreckless and so very awesome!
