Sunday, July 11, 2010

Process Update...well kind of...

Good afternoon friends! I thought it might be a good time to touch base! We would LOVE to say that we are getting somewhere fast, but that just wouldn't be the truth! From what I am hearing...that is quite normal though.
We originally wanted to adopt from the orphanage Josh was at - Sanyu babies home (, but they are not currently accepting applications. So, we figured that God was telling us our child may be at a different orphanage (or babies home). The administrator of Sanyu told us about Nsambya (wish I had a website for them). We are waiting to hear back from their administrator. We are not sure if we should use an agency or not. Uganda is quite different from pretty much anywhere else you adopt from. Most of the orphanages that we have found, prefer to work directly with a lawyer in Uganda and not with an agency. That makes the price MUCH cheaper, but leaves for so much to figure out. We did, however, find what seems to be an amazing agency out of Amarillo - Little Miracles. And, we are looking into using them for the American part of the adoption maybe. They put us in touch with an amazing family from around the panhandle who are currently adopting from Ethiopia. They are giving us hope and advice, which is a blessing.
We also found a blog from a lady whose name is Grace (funny, huh?). She lives in Uganda, is from the U.S., and has adopted two children while there. Her blog has been so inspiring. And we have been emailing back and forth. She has recommended a lawyer for us and we are looking into her and...waiting to hear back from her.
We also have added International phone services to our plan...much cheaper than paying by the minute!
Grace also mentioned a little boy, Amos, to us. He is 18 - 20 months, like I mentioned, we are TRYING to stay open minded to what God leads us to. I immediately (mom instinct) thought - Is this our son??? Could this be our child??? And Josh quickly told me not to get my hopes I came off of the cloud I was on. He is right...this is going to be a long process. But, we looked into Amos. He is currently only available for adoption by Ugandan couples. Which is OK. We want the child God has for us. God has a plan for us. And he has a plan for Amos.
We have been so comforted and blessed by so many people who have given their support, prayers, and love to us while we are starting this process. And we thank you so much for it. We are looking forward to figuring out where we plant our foot for our next step and trust that God will reveal it to us.
I did update the blog with some more pics of shirts (new designs!), hats, totes, and potholders. Please let me know if you are interested. We have raised our first $1000.00!!! It is including some that we already had saved, but we re getting somewhere and we thank everyone who has helped us get to this milestone! Only 24,000.00 to go, right? :)
Please, more than anything, continue to pray for us! We need it and appreciate it more than we can explain!!! Thank you so much for joining us on this journey. I look forward to the day I get to post pics of our family of 4 on here!!! For now, I will leave you with a pic of Gracie and her new baby. Such a beautiful sight!!! She is still saying that she wants a sister (whom she has named "Ellie"), but she now will also accept BOTH a brother AND sister. HA!

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